Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ok.. So here goes a " New Beginning"

If I had a dollar every time someone said " You just need to find yourself" I'd almost be a millionaire .. I am currently sitting on my computer , on the day that I've just finalized my divorce, My 3rd Divorce might I add .. at 25 years of age.. .....
And as I talk to all my elders, boyfriend and "wiser" family I hear the same thing over and over and over again... "You need to find yourself" 
.... Well shit ... I thought I knew who I was.. I am a strong woman that doesn't take crap from anyone, that takes a huge importance in family and loved ones. And I love my career even though it doesn't pay as much as I need . I don't sweat the small stuff and to me that is money, possessions , and materialistic things. But I do care about my family, my loved ones and their personal well being . Of course my children are first but, that love runs all the way to my extended family, girlfriends, and best guy friends. And as long as My children are loved , we have a roof over our head and have food then we are happy. 
I've never owned a expensive purse... and I don't care to 
                                 I'm sure I could find a puts willing to ... But that's not me.
Sooooo time to " Find myself" 

I will try to post EVERY day.... for everyone to see.. and have their input. Starting today . Shmee :)


  1. Okay, starting today: What does shmee mean? I might as well get that out of the way. :)

  2. Ok... so Shmee is a all encompassing word that can mean basically any type of emotion, thought, word, etc... I thought i had made it up .. ( maybe i did in the fact that I started using it) but after I had everyone saying it we actually looked it up in the urban dictionary.. And its basically the same definition as mine. So ya.. thats Shmee
